GAME OF THRONES | Flash Fiction Challenge


Deadline: May 13, 2019

Word Count: 300-400 words

The Goal: Share your writing, your platform, and YOUR STORY on the Stop Writing Alone podcast!

The Challenge: Let’s celebrate the end of the HBO series Game of Thrones with our writing! We’re taking it all the way back to the beginning — the first paragraph of George RR Martin’s first book (after The Prologue — should I have used The Prologue? Let the debate begin!). It’s been called Mimicking A Mentor, The Modeling Prompt, or I’ve started calling it the “Make Your Own MadLibs” Prompt. What do you do? Take the first paragraph of the book and rewrite it by switching out the nouns, the verbs, the adjectives, the character names, etc., to those of your choosing but keeping the structure of the paragraph the same. Start your own story, and then continue it until you reach your end (keeping the word count in mind!).

*For an extended description (and demonstration!) of this prompt, tune into Episode 15 of the Stop Writing Alone Podcast!

Final Steps: Call in to the Stop Writing Alone Voicemail number and record your story, as well as all of your links — social media, blog, publications, etc.. You will have three minutes (hence our word count limitation). If you get that call in before May 13, 2019, your story will be one featured on the Stop Writing Alone podcast the week before the final episode of Game of Thrones.